My high school crush wasn't a crush. I was deeply in love with her. I have never forgotten her. I think of her each and every day. I fantasize often about our time together and when we were exploring new boundaries, and the passion we had for each other. How I felt about her was far more than any crush.
We parted after high school and I dated other women, but I could never feel anything for any of them. They were just someone to spend time with but never someone who I wanted to be with forever. I always thought of my sweet 16.
Her name is Bonnie. She went on to date other guys but we never stopped caring for each other. I still have the picture she gave me after her graduation; it”s my wallpaper for my iPad. Each time I turn it on I see her as she was over half a century ago. I smile and think, “There's my sweet 16, god she is so beautiful!”
Then I turn and see her sitting on the couch and say “Thank god I never have to wonder 'What if?’” You see we married 52 years ago and she is the only woman I have ever loved. She is still my sweet 16 and will be forever. She is still beautiful and takes my breath away when I see her. That's how I know it wasn't a crush at all. You can fall in love at 16. We did. My greatest joy in life has been loving her.
I’ve carried this picture everywhere I went for 55 years. Well, not this one exactly. Mine wore out. After we married I found this in her pile of pictures. It was the second copy. So I took it and replaced my old one.
This is her today
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